Japan Cycling Navigator

New ! Length of Japan : Tohoku

We launched the Length of Japan Tohoku


Tohoku Area is surrounded by mountains and sea.
This is the land of delicious foods, historical hot springs, quiet camping sites, many Sake brewerys, etc.

5 years passed since 2011 Tōhoku earthquake. JCN made "Length of Japan Tohoku" to encourage you to travel this beautiful area and encourage People who lives here. Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate Prefectures have had huge damage but now mostly fine for bike trip and you will see the scars left by the Earthquake as well as deep inside of Japan way of life.

Visit Tohoku, feel the Earth.

New ! Length of Japan Tohoku Facebook group is also readly to discess about cycyling in Tohoku

Japan Cycling Navigator Facebook group

We launched the Japan Cycling Navigator Facebook group 7th/Jan/2016
Your questions are welcome to post to this new page, thank you !!

Length of Japan from Tokyo to Fukuoka bicycle trip video was posted by Sylwester.

We launched the Facebook page 11th/Jan/2013

  • We apologize that our web forum was covered by spams.
  • We've just launched the official Facebook page, so please post your messages and questions on the facebook.

Thank you for your understandings.

We launched the Length of Japan part 5: Tokaido

JCN Newsletter

We launched our newsletter. Vol.2 No.4 has came out!

Jump to the most accessed pages

Please enjoy cycling in JAPAN !

Where should bikes be in?

The National Police Agency of Japan is going to introduce into the Diet a bill to widely apply more sidewalks to the bikes and increase the number of roadways that aren't allowed to ride a bike. If this bill passes, pedestrians are exposed to risk by bicycles and also it nullifies bike's functions and advantages. What do you think of it? We Japan Cycling Navigator strongly believe bikes should be in roadways as with cars! Thereby we have to leave sidewalks securely for pedestrians.

We opposes this bill and lobbies for it. This is just a domestic issue though, we're really interested in foreigner's experiences and impressions as for sidewalks in Japan. Also your answers must be valuable data to clearly show the aspects of Japanese sidewalks and roadways, and these might be compelling reason to abandon the bill.

If possible, please ask your company, your country's embassy in Japan, government-affiliated organizations, lobby groups or so - to bring pressure on The National Police Agency of Japan and Japanese government. As you may know, Japan may be not good at foreign pressure. If they only receive inquiries from some countries, it can throw them into a panic.

If you read Japanese, read Hikita's mail magazine. Mr. Hikita is a TV producer who loves cycling and knows inside informations. He debunks that some high government officials of the police hate bicycles and they draft that bill. Also read NPO Bicycle Usage Promotion Study Group's site. They take the leadership these protest movement.

link.gifHerald Asahi: Allowing cyclists on sidewalks defies logic

link.gifThe Japan Times: Share the road

Time in Japan 15:16 18, 02, 2025
Since 12.25.2003:349095 people visited.
uploaded:12, 03, 2016